TE-live broadcasts
TE-live combines the latest technology, strong interaction skills and extensive experience of serving employers and jobseekers alike. Everyone wins when the right person finds the right job as quickly as possible. The broadcast gives an opportunity for jobseekers to ask questions about available positions online via chat. Recordings are available on our site afterwards and subtitles are available in English.

Career videos
Have you ever applied for a job and notice that the job wasn’t a good fit after all? Career videos offer a realistic view of the job market and companies based in Kainuu. The videos offer interviews of the employees working in the firms or organizations. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive the latest updates on upcoming events and career videos.

Uralla Podcast is the place where we share with you the real behind the scenes of entrepreneurship, worklife and life in Finland. Get inspired by real life stories and hear everything you need to know to build a successful business and career path in Finland!
Coming soon!