vieraskynä | Lu Ying
My name is Lu Ying and I’m currently studying Tourism at KAMK. I study in Bachelor’s degree in Tourism and I just finished my first year study. I will finish my study at the end of 2025 if everything goes well.
Originally from China, I decided to pursue my studies in Finland due to its breathtaking natural beauty. I come from Bayannur, Inner Mongolian province, which is surrounded by Gobi Desert. If comparing with Kajaani, I would say the population of one million is huge.
“I fell in love with Kajaani right from the start, mainly because of its awe-inspiring natural surroundings. The most thing I enjoy in Kainuu is hiking in the forest. I spent loads of time to walking in the forest and trying to learn about mushroom and pick up, as well as berries.”
Lu Ying

One of the most rewarding aspects of being in Finland is the inner peace, spaciousness, and encouragement to embrace new experiences without fear of making mistakes. This nurturing cultural environment, exemplified by organizations like the TILMA-project, has greatly influenced me.
Shortly after my arrival, the TILMA-project assisted me in finding a job related to planting trees. My classmates and I have already begun this fulfilling job, which will continue until June 30th. This particular job requires physical exertion and a passion for working outdoors, especially in the forest. Initially, it can be quite tiring, but after a few days, you begin to adapt. Exploring the forest during work brings about a sense of enjoyment, knowing that we are contributing to a better environment.
I’ve also worked at Oulujärven Metsäpalvelu OY from the end of the May to the beginning of June, around three weeks. Then I did my first part practical training at Kainuu Liikunta which organizes Kainuu Trail and Kainuu Orienteering Week. Then I got a part-time job at Purolan Grilli which is a burger shop.
Consequently, I aspire to stay in Kainuu after graduation due to its stunning natural landscapes and the warm-heartedness of its people. I am sincerely grateful to the TILMA-project for their kindness and invaluable assistance.
“I firmly believe that, with our collective efforts, Kainuu will become more open-minded towards international students, allowing everyone to forge their own successful careers here.”
Lu Ying
Lu Ying